Bennie M. Watson
Rate / Rank
May 15 1922
Date of Death
October 5 1974
US Army
Active Duty Service
December 1 1942 - December 31 1945
Conflicts & Campaigns
- Northern France; Rhineland
- European Theater of Operations, June 13, 1944 - December 13, 1945
Significant Duty Stations
- Inducted; Fort McPherson, Georgia.
- Service Battery 773rd Field Artillery Battalion
- Discharged; Camp Gordon, Georgia.
Decorations & Citations
- Combat Infantryman Badge
- European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with two battle stars
- American Campaign Medal; World War Two Victory Medal
- Marksman (rifle)
US Army service number 34-576-128. Born; Beuna Vista, Georgia. Home of record; Rt. 1, Cairo, Georgia. Burial; Bold Springs Cemetery, Grady County, Georgia.